Sunday, May 20, 2007

Open Houses

Today I did an open house. It was the kind that make you wonder if you ever want to do another one. WE blow up balloons at work and today everyone was late and there were half a dozen people waiting. I had to jump in when I got a chance and blow up my dozen or so. I then jumped in the car and drove half an hour to the town where I had to plant a half dozen signs in strategic places. (Literally at times jumping out of the car at a red light to plant a sign with balloons attached to it.) I then make my way to the house where I find this sweet elderly couple. Couldn't have been any nicer but the gentleman was cold this morning and had cranked his heat up to 80. It was 80 outside now and I think the house was pushing 90. The air was so stuffy I don't think any windows have been opened in the last few years, seriously. They did a quick run through of their home, a pretty nice home actually but needed updating. There was also way too much furniture in each room making each one seem small and hard to navigate through. They left and only a disappointing three people came to view it. I was awake early this morning and it was hard to stay awake! Thankfully I had bought a bottle of water with me. At some point I had to open the front door and let some fresh air blow into my lungs. was time to go.I was elated. Reversed the order of the signs, picking them up and headed home. I had only had a bowl of cereal early this morning and was starving. I am exhausted.I am still trying to figure out why someone who hangs their clothes out back so they smell fresh never opens their windows. I meet so many people and the more I meet the more I realize what a vast variety of people there are in the world. I like that. I enjoy the characters that come through. I enjoy meeting new people. I guess I will be up for another open house when the time rolls around. Especially when I come home to a nice clean house. The laundry I started early this morning was finished and put away and I had a nice fresh kitchen floor to walk on. The simple things in life that make me happy...going barefoot on a clean kitchen floor.Maybe I can catch a quick nap before viewing my Sunday night programs. Hope you had a good weekend.

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