Thursday, February 09, 2006

Last Day of Class

Today is my last day of computer classes. I've been at it six months and learned a lot. When I took the test at the employment services they told me I knew enough of the office suite programs to do any job unless they were looking for someone on an expert level. Of course until I took that test, I thought I was the expert. LOL
Rob was so sick on Tuesday evening. I felt so badly. He was up all night and he even went downstairs to use the bathroom so he could stop waking me. I had to go to work the next day. Today he had an early dentist appointment so he had this morning off so that gave him few more hours. He got an extra five days off this year for PTO days.
I am still waiting to find my full time job. I am remaining at the job I have until it comes through. They are aware of my situation and that I am hoping to get a full time position soon. Financially I have no choice. I am doing computer work for the most part and I am making less than the receptionists where I work. That is hard on the ego. The rationale there is that, like them, I am only part time. I have no benefits of any kind. When I worked retail I did have sick days and it feels odd to be somewhere for over six months without any. This troubles me because if I do become sick, I will be burdened with worrying about the finances as well.
If you know anyone who is looking for a bright, mature woman who is dependable, has a great sense of humor and is versatile send them my way.I just learned how to collaborate documents today.

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