Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gentle Snow

I have been up since about five a.m. when my darling dog which today shall be referred to as Duffenutter started to sigh heavily. He does this when he wakes up early, is bored and would like someone to get up with him. Very frustrating for tired humans who need a few more hours of sleep. I came down and let him out (at this time of day how grateful I am to hav a fenced in hard to let him out in as opposed to having to walk him.) I began to read email and such and then noticed it was snowing. A lovely and gentle snow. I love it most when I do not have to go anywhere. Today I have an appointment in just an hour to have my car serviced. I want them to check my pedal to see if it is sticking as I have one of the models being recalled by Toyota. I also need an oil change.

I just sent an Email to the HR person at work to arrange my return interview Monday morning at nine a.m. I just got an auto response so have to email someone else in that department. I am planning to return to work then and trying to get psyched up for it. It will be so good to have a steady income. Once again, disability stopped paying me. In January I received ONE partial check for $150. My doctor had initially said I was going back January 4th. She sent follow up paperwork but after several attempts I finally spoke to someone on the phone who told me they never received it. The doctors office faxed it over yesterday but it takes two weeks to process. By the time I get a check from work I should receive the other check. I had hoped to get a few items for returning to work but they will have to wait. I look forward to seeing my coworkers again. They have kept in touch with me via email and have been very supportive.


Susan C said...

Please take a pic of that "gentle snow." I'd love to see it.

Missie said...

We had some of that gentle snow this morning too. I don't mind a dusting, but when it gets to be more than that, I complain! LOL

Have a good night.