It is very cold here be exact 9 degrees. Yesterday Rob and I ventured over to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. We were in Intercourse to be exact visiting the Kitchen Kettle Village and the Candle Barn. It was a pleasant day but each time we had to go out into the twenty degree temps it was rough. We ended the afternoon by going to a buffet type place that my family has raved about for years and we had never been to. It's called the Shady Maple. When I was younger I loved places you could eat all you could want. Not now. I had some salad and one plate and a small desert and could not wait to get home. My stomach hurt! One of the things I had was a piece of fried chicken. I avoid fried foods and rarely have them. It didn't sit well at all. I have decided that others may enjoy this type of eating but I would rather be home having something baked or grilled and eating smaller portions. I did appreciate one day to do something. Although I was out of work for four months I never spent one day doing anything pleasurable. The days were filled with all things medical; paperwork (for the insurance company and disability), phone calls with the infusion company and doctors and doctor office visits and hospital lab visits kept me busy. At this point I am still waiting for my January money from disability. So far I received $150 which was used in ONE day for two co pays and a script. I will be returning to work this Monday. I am eager to get back and have a steady paycheck coming in. With this economy and living in a state which is very expensive to live in, it has been a real stress er. I missed a total of five months work this year which reduced my income drastically. Rob was out of work and on unemployment from January to June. In July he began a job where he took a pay cut because of the economy. I have never been so concerned as I have these past few months.
My sister is turning 50 tomorrow. She is going to be in New Jersey soon and we have a small cake for her. We all give cash as it's so hard to know what to buy people. On her last visit I gave her the box containing her childhood Blue Willow dishes. (We each had our own set.) She was thrilled that when my mother wanted to get rid of them and at the time she didn't want them, I took them and put them away in my closet for her. Her set was intact, not one piece broken.
It looks like it's going to start snowing. My aunt said it was snowing this morning in Maryland and I feel sure it's going to make the way the east coast. I just hope I don't have bad roads to travel on my first day back on Monday. Wish me luck.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Gentle Snow
I have been up since about five a.m. when my darling dog which today shall be referred to as Duffenutter started to sigh heavily. He does this when he wakes up early, is bored and would like someone to get up with him. Very frustrating for tired humans who need a few more hours of sleep. I came down and let him out (at this time of day how grateful I am to hav a fenced in hard to let him out in as opposed to having to walk him.) I began to read email and such and then noticed it was snowing. A lovely and gentle snow. I love it most when I do not have to go anywhere. Today I have an appointment in just an hour to have my car serviced. I want them to check my pedal to see if it is sticking as I have one of the models being recalled by Toyota. I also need an oil change.
I just sent an Email to the HR person at work to arrange my return interview Monday morning at nine a.m. I just got an auto response so have to email someone else in that department. I am planning to return to work then and trying to get psyched up for it. It will be so good to have a steady income. Once again, disability stopped paying me. In January I received ONE partial check for $150. My doctor had initially said I was going back January 4th. She sent follow up paperwork but after several attempts I finally spoke to someone on the phone who told me they never received it. The doctors office faxed it over yesterday but it takes two weeks to process. By the time I get a check from work I should receive the other check. I had hoped to get a few items for returning to work but they will have to wait. I look forward to seeing my coworkers again. They have kept in touch with me via email and have been very supportive.
I just sent an Email to the HR person at work to arrange my return interview Monday morning at nine a.m. I just got an auto response so have to email someone else in that department. I am planning to return to work then and trying to get psyched up for it. It will be so good to have a steady income. Once again, disability stopped paying me. In January I received ONE partial check for $150. My doctor had initially said I was going back January 4th. She sent follow up paperwork but after several attempts I finally spoke to someone on the phone who told me they never received it. The doctors office faxed it over yesterday but it takes two weeks to process. By the time I get a check from work I should receive the other check. I had hoped to get a few items for returning to work but they will have to wait. I look forward to seeing my coworkers again. They have kept in touch with me via email and have been very supportive.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Birthday and an Anniversary
Today is my mother's birthday. I took her to the Olive Garden for lunch (her choice). It was a bit frustrating as we got there and there was a waiting line. My father's caregiver was only supposed to be there for two hours. We just made it back in time. My mother always gets the least expensive thing on the menu. I told her to go crazy and get something elaborate but she wouldn't hear of it. I love their salad and it was a nice lunch. Tonight my sister-in-law Stephanie is having a cake for her and both of my brothers who live in New Jersey, their wives and us will be there. This is the first birthday for her without her mother who always made it a big deal. I also gave her a stained glass angel holding a small heart that said "God's greatest gift he can give is a mother's love". While some might disagree, her mother truly was an angel and she knew it was in honor of her mother that it was given. My sister is coming this weekend. She turns fifty on Monday so there will be another cake then.
Once again I experienced some frustration with diasability. They never received the last updated form from my doctor. This is the ONLY document they will accept for processing a check. I called the doctor's office who told me it had been mailed Jan. 14th. Called and waited and waited and finally spoke with a human being who said the form had never been received. I was given a fax number and had it confirmed and they were faxing it over. This means no check since the one I got for a few days about three weeks ago. It will be another two weeks before I receive payment for January. Unfortunately, my car payment is due before then as are some other bills. My car is another source of concern. I have a 2007 Toyota Camry. Once of the many being recalled for accelerator issues. My son is so concerned and begging me not to drive the car. I must to get to and from work. I had an appointment tomorrow to get the car serviced but they tell me there is nothing they can do until the company tells them what to do regarding the recall, or sends me a letter. I have to worry about making the payment on a car that I am concerned about driving. It just doesn't seem right.
Time to throw a light dinner together before heading over for cake and coffee (decaf). I hope to get started on the new book tonight or tomorrow. My Shelfari has suddenly appeared although the book I just finished is not showing and I'm not sure why.
Once again I experienced some frustration with diasability. They never received the last updated form from my doctor. This is the ONLY document they will accept for processing a check. I called the doctor's office who told me it had been mailed Jan. 14th. Called and waited and waited and finally spoke with a human being who said the form had never been received. I was given a fax number and had it confirmed and they were faxing it over. This means no check since the one I got for a few days about three weeks ago. It will be another two weeks before I receive payment for January. Unfortunately, my car payment is due before then as are some other bills. My car is another source of concern. I have a 2007 Toyota Camry. Once of the many being recalled for accelerator issues. My son is so concerned and begging me not to drive the car. I must to get to and from work. I had an appointment tomorrow to get the car serviced but they tell me there is nothing they can do until the company tells them what to do regarding the recall, or sends me a letter. I have to worry about making the payment on a car that I am concerned about driving. It just doesn't seem right.
Time to throw a light dinner together before heading over for cake and coffee (decaf). I hope to get started on the new book tonight or tomorrow. My Shelfari has suddenly appeared although the book I just finished is not showing and I'm not sure why.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Third Book I've Read: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
Yesterday I read an entire book, The Art of Racing in the Rain. I simply cannot tell you what a great read it was. If you are an animal lover, specifically a dog lover you will want to read this book. The main character is Enzo. Our book begins when Enzo is picked from the litter by his owner, Denny. At that time Denny is a single man whose dream is to be a successful race care driver. It takes us through Denny's life, as things change and time moved forward. I don't want to give away too much of the book, although I guessed a lot before it actually happened. Suffice it to say that although Enzo cannot communicate verbally with his master, he lets him know through barks and gestures what he feels he must. Enzo is so endearing and intelligent. We all dream of owning a dog who fully understands us. Denny has that and so much more in Enzo. Even though there are moments of sadness, overall this book was very uplifting and it ends on a high note. One of my sister-in-laws will be having knee replacement surgery soon and I am going to buy this book for her to read as she recovers. I know she will enjoy it very much. It would make a great gift for any dog lover.
I am up very early today. I plan to get to the market early and get the items I need to make my chili. I have been craving chili since the cold weather hit. Actually it warmed up quite a bit yesterday although it rained all day, very heavy at times, with strong winds. I should have time to start another book I have waiting here. It was highly recommended to me by a coworker when I told him that the man who built my old house was a holocaust survivor. I have been eager to read it for months and finally went to Barnes & Noble and bought it. I want to get it read before I return to work. That should be next Monday. I have such mixed feelings about it. I really like most of my coworkers and the environment I work in. It's just that I wonder if I have the energy for the long days. I use several computer programs which I have not touched in four months. When I am not an active employee (such as being out on disability) I am completely locked out of the system there. I cannot even read my emails of which there will be hundreds until I return. Four months is a long time to be away from all that. I expect that they will understand and give me time to get back in the groove. I certainly hope so. In the meantime I am trying to get all my tax things together, everything I can in order so that when I return things will be less stressful here. I find that organization prevents stress. I have a place for everything and my house is small. That means staying on top of things which I am finally able to do once more. I am hoping that February will find me back in my daily routine and feeling better than I have in months.
(I have signed up with Shelfar but cannot get it to display on my blog. Rob also tried to do it on his blog with no luck. If anyone has any tips on this, I would be happy to have them. )
I am up very early today. I plan to get to the market early and get the items I need to make my chili. I have been craving chili since the cold weather hit. Actually it warmed up quite a bit yesterday although it rained all day, very heavy at times, with strong winds. I should have time to start another book I have waiting here. It was highly recommended to me by a coworker when I told him that the man who built my old house was a holocaust survivor. I have been eager to read it for months and finally went to Barnes & Noble and bought it. I want to get it read before I return to work. That should be next Monday. I have such mixed feelings about it. I really like most of my coworkers and the environment I work in. It's just that I wonder if I have the energy for the long days. I use several computer programs which I have not touched in four months. When I am not an active employee (such as being out on disability) I am completely locked out of the system there. I cannot even read my emails of which there will be hundreds until I return. Four months is a long time to be away from all that. I expect that they will understand and give me time to get back in the groove. I certainly hope so. In the meantime I am trying to get all my tax things together, everything I can in order so that when I return things will be less stressful here. I find that organization prevents stress. I have a place for everything and my house is small. That means staying on top of things which I am finally able to do once more. I am hoping that February will find me back in my daily routine and feeling better than I have in months.
(I have signed up with Shelfar but cannot get it to display on my blog. Rob also tried to do it on his blog with no luck. If anyone has any tips on this, I would be happy to have them. )
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Giving the Man His Props

Sometimes I think we take our significant others for granted. Sometimes it's easy to have someone jump to help you and always put you first because you are the one with the health issues. Even though they have their own health issues, yours seem to be more of a danger. My husband got yelled at by his mother when he told her that his sick wife was his priority. I have driven myself to the ER more times than not. I have had surgical procedures that I didn't tell him about so he wouldn't worry about getting off work. He worries far more than I do.
Today I wanted to put a face to the man I blog about, Rob. He is a gentle, sweet and loving person. In fact if Rob had A fault it would be that he is too nice. Too nice to people in the past who took advantage of his kindness and generosity.
I try to do everything I can to make it up to him for all his help. In my previous marriage, I was on my own. When I had cancer my ex took off ONE day the entire time. I had to get family members to drive me for radiation treatments and doctor visits though his employer told him he could have all the time off he needed and he would be paid for it. It hurt me so much that he didn't choose to be with me during those difficult days. My son was only three years old and a handful.
I look back and wonder sometimes how I made it through those times. Rob has been through so very much with me. He has NEVER once failed to offer to be with me for anything. He has never complained that a high percentage of our salaries go for medical expenses. He is kind and supportive and all I could have hoped for and so much more.
So today I stop and say thank you. You're the best and I appreciate you more than words can say.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Moving Forward
I fasted and went Wednesday morning for my blood tests. It felt like I was donating blood. My results came back with a mixed review. My INR shows that my blood thinner was not working the past two weeks which is odd. It actually is affected by everything else that goes into my body: foods with vitamin K, any other medicines (particularly antibiotics) and apparently the diabetes or medication for it. I am going to have to keep on and get retested in a week, third week in a row. Normally once a month is fine. My white count, which indicates infection, is down significantly and I am thrilled about that. Dr. D says he is "cautiously optimistic." I am still anemic which started when I was last hospitalized in November. I think this accounts for the dizziness/weakness I am sometimes feeling. I will pick up some iron today and resume having cream of wheat for breakfast. It's difficult because I love hot, healthy cereals for breakfast such as steel cut oatmeal but because of diabetes I must have protein. My main sources of breakfast protein are eggs and peanut butter. Peanut butter is usually on toast and I usually make the eggs into an omelet.
There was a huge drama in my family this week as my brother was coming. He had been told in the past by my mother that he could not bring his dog. He called a sister-in-law who had volunteered to keep my mother's dog at her house so he could have his dog there (she didn't know my mother had already vetoed that idea.) She went over and my mother got so upset about the situation. My mother had a medical appointment this afternoon and I was going to take care of my father while she was gone. When she called me this morning she said my brother and his wife would be leaving at the time she needed someone so I would still be needed. I was a little frustrated. I am very tired and dizzy. I told her I was disappointed that they were here for the first time in nearly a year and couldn't do this. She called back half an hour later and said she misunderstood and they would do it. I plan to curl up in a chair when I am done writing this entry and snooze for at least an hour. I am just wiped out. I'm sure it's the anemia. I am getting concerned as I must return to work in ten days. I don't know how I will manage being so tired but I simply must.
One of my friends got very upset about all the donations to Haiti. She made a post on her Facebook saying that while she also felt sorry for the people of Haiti she is working full time and has been sick for a month and cannot afford to go to a doctor. (She recently left a husband with a substance abuse problem after giving him yet another try.) She wrote and said that her family members who would never offer to help pay for her doctor visit had all bragged about sending money to Haiti. I understand her point. I did gently point out to her that she has a roof over her head, a warm bed and food to eat. She states that she eats one good meal a day and that is all she can afford. Life is hard sometimes.
There was a huge drama in my family this week as my brother was coming. He had been told in the past by my mother that he could not bring his dog. He called a sister-in-law who had volunteered to keep my mother's dog at her house so he could have his dog there (she didn't know my mother had already vetoed that idea.) She went over and my mother got so upset about the situation. My mother had a medical appointment this afternoon and I was going to take care of my father while she was gone. When she called me this morning she said my brother and his wife would be leaving at the time she needed someone so I would still be needed. I was a little frustrated. I am very tired and dizzy. I told her I was disappointed that they were here for the first time in nearly a year and couldn't do this. She called back half an hour later and said she misunderstood and they would do it. I plan to curl up in a chair when I am done writing this entry and snooze for at least an hour. I am just wiped out. I'm sure it's the anemia. I am getting concerned as I must return to work in ten days. I don't know how I will manage being so tired but I simply must.
One of my friends got very upset about all the donations to Haiti. She made a post on her Facebook saying that while she also felt sorry for the people of Haiti she is working full time and has been sick for a month and cannot afford to go to a doctor. (She recently left a husband with a substance abuse problem after giving him yet another try.) She wrote and said that her family members who would never offer to help pay for her doctor visit had all bragged about sending money to Haiti. I understand her point. I did gently point out to her that she has a roof over her head, a warm bed and food to eat. She states that she eats one good meal a day and that is all she can afford. Life is hard sometimes.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Two to go (books that is)
I just finished the second book by Julie Powell, Cleaving. I enjoyed the end much better than the beginning or the middle. The ending was about her travels to Tanzania and the Ukraine. The first part of the book begins with her where book one ended. She is still married but decides to become a butcher. The details are far too graphic for me and I winced my way through several parts and no doubt will not want anything with bones in it for awhile. The first book was more interesting to me and at times it was difficult to keep reading this. The details changed but the grizzly parts were there and they seemed to take up far too much of her "story" for my tastes. On a personal note, if I had an affair and my husband was gracious enough to hang in there as hers did, I certainly would not want to document it in a book where all his friends/family could read some of the details that noone need know. Her obsession with her love interest has details that I personally would have been embarassed to reveal but to each his own. I will be starting the third book which was recommended to me by a coworker in the next day or so. I have having some difficulty sleeping through the night so this allows me to do more reading.
Yesterday I went to my eye doctor. I have a mild case of glaucoma which he treats me for. I was diagnosed very early and use drops so it has always been well controlled. When I was in the hospital in September I was too sick to remember/tell them about the drops. I didn't have it written down or with me and it slipped my mind. When I came home I was so ill, I never resumed using the drops and then a few weeks ago I remembered. In November I had to cancel an appointment with this doctor as I was hospitalized at that time. I finally made it there, two months late and had to confess that I had not been using my drops and needed a new script. He dialated my eyes to see the nerves. He was relieved that the high dose steroids had not been a problem, as they can increase eye pressure and mine is too high to begin with. I got my new script, made a follow up appointment for July and was on my way. My sister was at my moother's for the weekend. We went there (Rob was off for Martin Luther King Day) and we visited with my Dad. Rob graciously agreed to stay with my Dad until the aide arrived so we got to leave about half an hour early for our lunch to celebrate my mother's upcoming birthday. My sister won't be here on the actual day next Wed.nesday. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant. At six p.m. I had an appointment with my cardiologist. I have been having some dizziness at certain times so as a precaution he has me wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours. He doesn't think it has anything to do with my heart but wants to be certain. I picked up my eyedrops on the way home and it hit me that I spent $130 yesterday for medical in ONE day! Two specialist copays of $40 each and the rx copay of $50. I think that's outrageous.
I only received $155 from disability because again, the doctor listed I MIGHT go back to work Jan 4th so they only paid me through the 3rd. I have had to get her to fill out yet another two forms to get this back pay. If I were depending on this money to eat I would have lost a LOT of weight.
I am very tired. It's 6:15 a.m. and I woke up at 3 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I think I will now though. My eyes are weary. Rob took off Wednesday to go to the dentist. He was overdue and I am hoping that the dentist might be able to do any work he might need the same day. We have to get the cat to the vet and then we will be all caught up on all our doctor/vet/dental visits. It's a good feeling. It is my firm 2010 wish that my health this year be good and my energy and focus can go to other things. I love life but I can't enjoy it when things go as they have the past four months. It's got to be better in time for Spring!
Yesterday I went to my eye doctor. I have a mild case of glaucoma which he treats me for. I was diagnosed very early and use drops so it has always been well controlled. When I was in the hospital in September I was too sick to remember/tell them about the drops. I didn't have it written down or with me and it slipped my mind. When I came home I was so ill, I never resumed using the drops and then a few weeks ago I remembered. In November I had to cancel an appointment with this doctor as I was hospitalized at that time. I finally made it there, two months late and had to confess that I had not been using my drops and needed a new script. He dialated my eyes to see the nerves. He was relieved that the high dose steroids had not been a problem, as they can increase eye pressure and mine is too high to begin with. I got my new script, made a follow up appointment for July and was on my way. My sister was at my moother's for the weekend. We went there (Rob was off for Martin Luther King Day) and we visited with my Dad. Rob graciously agreed to stay with my Dad until the aide arrived so we got to leave about half an hour early for our lunch to celebrate my mother's upcoming birthday. My sister won't be here on the actual day next Wed.nesday. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant. At six p.m. I had an appointment with my cardiologist. I have been having some dizziness at certain times so as a precaution he has me wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours. He doesn't think it has anything to do with my heart but wants to be certain. I picked up my eyedrops on the way home and it hit me that I spent $130 yesterday for medical in ONE day! Two specialist copays of $40 each and the rx copay of $50. I think that's outrageous.
I only received $155 from disability because again, the doctor listed I MIGHT go back to work Jan 4th so they only paid me through the 3rd. I have had to get her to fill out yet another two forms to get this back pay. If I were depending on this money to eat I would have lost a LOT of weight.
I am very tired. It's 6:15 a.m. and I woke up at 3 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep. I think I will now though. My eyes are weary. Rob took off Wednesday to go to the dentist. He was overdue and I am hoping that the dentist might be able to do any work he might need the same day. We have to get the cat to the vet and then we will be all caught up on all our doctor/vet/dental visits. It's a good feeling. It is my firm 2010 wish that my health this year be good and my energy and focus can go to other things. I love life but I can't enjoy it when things go as they have the past four months. It's got to be better in time for Spring!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Kitchen Mishap
The past two days found me feeling pretty well...much better than I have. I went shopping to Costco, the warehouse type store and stocked up on freezer items. Today I went to a store that was having a large sale on things that I don't need a large amount of. I decided to broil steaks for dinner, that's a treat we don't have too often because of the cholesterol. I turned the broiler on and put the lightly marinated steaks under it. About fifteen minutes later the smoke alarms went off. I didn't notice much smoke so we were wondering what set them off. Rob ran upstairs and checked everything there, as the alarms up there were making their shrieking sound as well. I opened the living room window and fanned the alarm and eventually it stopped. The odd thing was that the smell was like wood burning. It did seem odd that the odor was near the stove. Finally after we began to eat I had a moment of clarity. Rob had bought me some new cookie sheets after I had complained that he had damaged the ones I had. I suddenly wondered if the papers had been removed from them (and the glue!) I opened the oven and the papers were sort of baked and the glue was a melted mess. Rob painstakingly removed the baked brown paper and glue. Now the new sheets have some scratches but they will be usable. He had purchased some nice Kitchen Aid ones. Oh well. I have learned not to get upset over the small things. Problem is, being it's so cold outside, having the windows open is making the house very cold. I figure there are very unhealthy chemicals in the air right now and am airing out the entire house. Luckily it was warmer today.
My sister is coming to my parents for the weekend. My mother is going to be going to Maryland to take the things she wants from her mother's house. It will be done in one short day with my sister-in-law driving her in her large truck.
I know this will be a very emotional time for my mother. My sister will be taking care of my father, and I will be assisting her. She's a take charge person and I don't get in her way.
Am having real sleeping issues, getting up many nights before 4 a.m. This will be a real problem if I don't get back on schedule before I return to work in roughly two weeks. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
My sister is coming to my parents for the weekend. My mother is going to be going to Maryland to take the things she wants from her mother's house. It will be done in one short day with my sister-in-law driving her in her large truck.
I know this will be a very emotional time for my mother. My sister will be taking care of my father, and I will be assisting her. She's a take charge person and I don't get in her way.
Am having real sleeping issues, getting up many nights before 4 a.m. This will be a real problem if I don't get back on schedule before I return to work in roughly two weeks. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Take My Pets....please
For some reason, the past few days my animals have been misbehaving terribly. The cat comes flying out of his covered litter box like he is being shot out of a cannon and tears through the house to antagonize the dog. He also sits in front of the sliding glass door and cries and cries to go out. Once out he wants back in within a few minutes....the only thing this does is let enough cool air into the kitchen to cause the heat to cut on again. The dog also wants to play the revolving door game but he whines. His whine is high pitched and annoying and he does this to both Rob and I when we are watching television. Often he is outside and will begin barking nonstop yet does not want to come back into the house. I am not sleeping well and my patience when I am this tired, is not enough to tolerate these behaviors. I know that animals are not always on their best behavior (well neither are human beings) and normally I cope better than I have.
Yesterday I had to run several errands. My day started with a trip to the hospital to have my INR checked. (It was high so that means a recheck in a week.) I then had to take yet another set of temporary disability papers to my doctor to fill out. I am thankful she doesn't charge to do this as some doctors do because she has had to do it so many times. I then went to the bank to deposit my check and dropped off some coffee and donuts for my parents. When I got home I took a long, hot shower to help me warm up. I sat down and before I knew it I was napping again. I don't know how I will get through a work day when I return without a nap but I know I must. I checked the weather report and we were due for snow flurries last night with temps of 22 but none came.
In the early days of AOL I was part of a chat room that became so very close. We had a meeting in North Carolina in 2000 which was so much fun on a three day weekend. This is actually the place where I got to know my husband, Rob. That is a story for another day but these people were wonderful and I became friends with several of them. Two of them attended our wedding and ironically, the guy stood in when our best man didn't show because he was having relationship problems and was coming 300 miles and chose to go out drinking the night before. He has since gotten his life together and Rob forgave him. The group has sort of been reunited via Facebook. Some I had been in touch with all along but things like this keep life interesting. I have come more and more to realize that in life you just cannot have too many friends. Some are more acquaintances than friends but others are friends who have stood the rough test of time.
Yesterday I had to run several errands. My day started with a trip to the hospital to have my INR checked. (It was high so that means a recheck in a week.) I then had to take yet another set of temporary disability papers to my doctor to fill out. I am thankful she doesn't charge to do this as some doctors do because she has had to do it so many times. I then went to the bank to deposit my check and dropped off some coffee and donuts for my parents. When I got home I took a long, hot shower to help me warm up. I sat down and before I knew it I was napping again. I don't know how I will get through a work day when I return without a nap but I know I must. I checked the weather report and we were due for snow flurries last night with temps of 22 but none came.
In the early days of AOL I was part of a chat room that became so very close. We had a meeting in North Carolina in 2000 which was so much fun on a three day weekend. This is actually the place where I got to know my husband, Rob. That is a story for another day but these people were wonderful and I became friends with several of them. Two of them attended our wedding and ironically, the guy stood in when our best man didn't show because he was having relationship problems and was coming 300 miles and chose to go out drinking the night before. He has since gotten his life together and Rob forgave him. The group has sort of been reunited via Facebook. Some I had been in touch with all along but things like this keep life interesting. I have come more and more to realize that in life you just cannot have too many friends. Some are more acquaintances than friends but others are friends who have stood the rough test of time.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Finished Book 1 (Two to go)
I finished Julie & Julia today. To be honest, Cynthia ( of a Crazy Quilt Life) had reviewed it so well it inspired me to read it and I have the sequel Cleaving waiting here to be started tomorrow. To be honest there were parts of the book that turned my stomach. I was a vegetarian for several years when I was in my twenties. One day I looked at a package of meat and simply could not bring myself to eat it when cooked. Even now periodically meat will have no appeal to me. At other times a great steak can be a fabulous treat. I am always preparing many kinds of vegetables and even though we eat meat, we eat very healthily and from a diverse menu. Having been a patient who experienced a few procedures I would rather forget, the very words bone marrow should not be used when talking about recipes. EVER. I had to gloss over some of that and I am not a fan of the concept or taste (I was forced once when I was ten years old to try liver. Not by my parents, but by an eccentric great aunt.) I cringe at the thought, although I understand some people really enjoy it. To each their own. I have a sister who married a man from a European family who do the gelee' with the chicken and other meats. It certainly did not seem appealing to me but then again neither does cold beet soup which many people enjoy. I grew up in a family where my mother hated to cook and my Dad for the first eleven years of my life was in the Navy and rarely home. We did a lot of hot dogs and McDonald's (which was really new then, remember the golden arches?) Dad was raised in the South and felt no meal was complete without veggies (such as okra, butter beans or spinach) and bread and butter. When he was home he simply never understood why we acted as though we had never seen veggies before. Several years ago my mother confessed that right before he left on a trip he would go to the commissary and stock up with canned goods and fill the freezer with meat. Once he was gone my mother sold the cans to neighbors at a small profit. This gave her money to buy the food she wanted! My father laughed so hard and said he should have been able to figure that out when we showed no recognition as bowls of spinach were passed around. As an adult on my own I have discovered that I love broccoli, carrots, brussel sprouts, cabbage, chick peas etc. When I met Rob he had been exposed to a small variety of foods too. He eats so many things now and we are always eager to try a new recipe. Slaughtering animals or crustaceans is definitely not something we would want to do. Yes, if I buy chicken breasts they are already boneless.
We are in the throes of a real cold snap here. I find it difficult to breathe when outdoors and am trying to breathe through a scarf when possible. I ventured out briefly to get a much needed pedicure. My feet get terrible cracks in them and it is therapeutic in many ways. My "Scarlett O'Hara" red polish is just a bonus. I had not had a pedicure since my early hospital day back in September and was long overdue. I made a lovely dinner in my crock pot today. Chicken breasts, potatoes, carrots and onions in a mushroom sauce. I vary things each time I do it but it's always tasty and we needed something hearty today. Yesterday I made French onion soup and it was wonderful. I am buying all low sodium products and getting used to them. Not sure what is on tomorrow's menu yet. We plan to take down the last remaining Christmas decorations from outside, the lighted garland and large wreath. The place looks so lost without them at g a warm and relaxing weekend.first.
Before we know it all the Valentines Day stuff will be out. Hoping you are having
We are in the throes of a real cold snap here. I find it difficult to breathe when outdoors and am trying to breathe through a scarf when possible. I ventured out briefly to get a much needed pedicure. My feet get terrible cracks in them and it is therapeutic in many ways. My "Scarlett O'Hara" red polish is just a bonus. I had not had a pedicure since my early hospital day back in September and was long overdue. I made a lovely dinner in my crock pot today. Chicken breasts, potatoes, carrots and onions in a mushroom sauce. I vary things each time I do it but it's always tasty and we needed something hearty today. Yesterday I made French onion soup and it was wonderful. I am buying all low sodium products and getting used to them. Not sure what is on tomorrow's menu yet. We plan to take down the last remaining Christmas decorations from outside, the lighted garland and large wreath. The place looks so lost without them at g a warm and relaxing weekend.first.
Before we know it all the Valentines Day stuff will be out. Hoping you are having
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
It's Ccccccold Here
It is bitter cold in NJ. Yesterday I ventured out in what I was told was 20 degree temps. I talked to two friends in Florida who told me it was only 28 and 30 where they were so then I felt better. Sorry ladies. Misery loves company. I ventured forth to Hallmark where I traditionally buy my Christmas Cards for next year while they are 40 to 50% off. I cannot stand to pay full price because I send out about fifty and with the postage costing more each year it's gotten quite expensive. I saw this year that one friend didn't send. I had not sent about a dozen cards that I had last year. I also gave four fewer gifts. (These were to family members who don't give me anyway.) Family discussion is continueing about stopping the gifts. It's so interesting to see the different perspectives of each person. Member A says it's not fair for her and hubby to give to anyone else as they are the only sibling without children and for years they had to buy for the children. (Note: when they came to my house for dinner they brought us a tree ornament and my son never received a gift but whatever.....). Member B states she has no husband and her kids are grown and I am the only one who gives them so why should she give A's husband? My feeling is when people are feeling like this and analyzing in such detail that the spirit of giving is long gone. Gift giving is never an equitable situation. Most of my life I gave to family members or friends who had several children while I had one. That's life. I am tired of thinking about this and I just want to stop myself because of the emotional turmoil that I get pulled into. With four siblings and their children, and now one brother has four grandchildren it's a large family. Even token gifts for that many people add up quickly.
Anyhoo....yesterday I treated myself to a trip to Barnes and Noble. I have been eager to read Julie & Julia and with being so sick and busy with doctors I hadn't taken the time to get the book. After reading Cynthia's blog yesterday with her reviews of both books it lit the fire for me to go get them. I got them both. I also purchased a book that a coworker Ari had recommended to me. I will be reading that and let you know how that book is. I am excited to be reading again. I am not sleeping well and my eyes easily fatigue. Last night Rob tossed and turned and I don't know if he will get through the day himself at work. He does have some comp hours coming to him. After working for his employer six months he finally got some sick days. Previous days when he took me to the ER went unpaid. When you add the $100 copay to that, they were expensive days. My insurance company told me my last week at the hospital was $57,000 just for the facility bill let alone the doctors. This is mind boggling to me and I simply cannot imagine not having medical insurance. No matter what, that is a priority for me. I am eager to see what will happen in the insurance arena. As more private companies are contributing less and the burden on the insured increases it makes many of us who have to rework finances to allow for medical costs.
I think I need a eyelids feel droopy and I have been awake since 4 a.m.
When I awake I will dive into Julie & Julia. Something to look forward to. Thanks Cynthia for the inspiration. :)
Anyhoo....yesterday I treated myself to a trip to Barnes and Noble. I have been eager to read Julie & Julia and with being so sick and busy with doctors I hadn't taken the time to get the book. After reading Cynthia's blog yesterday with her reviews of both books it lit the fire for me to go get them. I got them both. I also purchased a book that a coworker Ari had recommended to me. I will be reading that and let you know how that book is. I am excited to be reading again. I am not sleeping well and my eyes easily fatigue. Last night Rob tossed and turned and I don't know if he will get through the day himself at work. He does have some comp hours coming to him. After working for his employer six months he finally got some sick days. Previous days when he took me to the ER went unpaid. When you add the $100 copay to that, they were expensive days. My insurance company told me my last week at the hospital was $57,000 just for the facility bill let alone the doctors. This is mind boggling to me and I simply cannot imagine not having medical insurance. No matter what, that is a priority for me. I am eager to see what will happen in the insurance arena. As more private companies are contributing less and the burden on the insured increases it makes many of us who have to rework finances to allow for medical costs.
I think I need a eyelids feel droopy and I have been awake since 4 a.m.
When I awake I will dive into Julie & Julia. Something to look forward to. Thanks Cynthia for the inspiration. :)
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Belated Happy New Year
Let's see today is January 3rd so I am just a few days late in wishing everyone a happy new year. Yesterday we worked very hard around the house, taking the tree down and putting the ornaments and some decorations away. I take great pains to see that the ornaments my grandmother made us are carefully tucked away and that the paper mache' Santa my son made me is put in it's special box for safekeeping. All these things represent tradition and love to me.
I have been enjoying the new laptop but there are some drawbacks over a desk top. Firstly, I had a very large monitor and I am spoiled by that. Yes, I have made the text bigger but on a smaller screen that changes the look of a page. This can make it difficult to harvest my farm on Facebook. Honestly, this should be my worst problem. lol
I got a Christmas card snail mail yesterday from my cousin who found my blog, accidentally she said. Interesting story there. We are actually double cousins. My grandmother's brother was her grandfather and my grandfather's sister was her grandmother. Her Dad and my Mom had all four of the same grandparents and all the same aunts and uncles. They were more like siblings, especially since my Mom was an only child until she was twelve years old. When we were little kids we both had four kids in our families and they would often come from a neighboring state to visit. We would sleep on the floor and give her parents our bedroom and it was great fun. We got married about the same time, had our first child about the same time, and ironically got married for the second time just months apart.
One of my friends is going through a very bad time. As individuals we all differ but I am struggling with her decisions. I have told her repeatedly that only she can make the decisions that will change her life but it's hard to sit back and be quiet when I see her choices. She told me that her husband is her EVERYTHING. Without him she is nothing. I tried to explain to her that she has herself and that noone in life should be your everything. That is too much pressure for your partner. She also believes in soul mates and that this man is her soul mate. If someone does things you know you yourself could never do, how can you think of that person as your soul mate? Instead of holding him accountable she blames the woman that he got involved with. I gently reminded her that that woman didn't even know her but that he was the one who made promises to her. While I worry about the delicate emotional state she is in I struggle with trying to understand it all. I have to remind myself that this is not mine, it's hers and she has to be the one to deal with it. While I can listen it's she who must pick up the pieces and go on without the person she planned to be with for the rest of her life. I'm so happy to know that as much as I love Rob, I would be okay on my own. We come into the world alone, and we leave alone. I don't understand why so many people find it difficult to spend time alone. (By the way that friend doesn't even know about my blog or read it.)
I have been enjoying the new laptop but there are some drawbacks over a desk top. Firstly, I had a very large monitor and I am spoiled by that. Yes, I have made the text bigger but on a smaller screen that changes the look of a page. This can make it difficult to harvest my farm on Facebook. Honestly, this should be my worst problem. lol
I got a Christmas card snail mail yesterday from my cousin who found my blog, accidentally she said. Interesting story there. We are actually double cousins. My grandmother's brother was her grandfather and my grandfather's sister was her grandmother. Her Dad and my Mom had all four of the same grandparents and all the same aunts and uncles. They were more like siblings, especially since my Mom was an only child until she was twelve years old. When we were little kids we both had four kids in our families and they would often come from a neighboring state to visit. We would sleep on the floor and give her parents our bedroom and it was great fun. We got married about the same time, had our first child about the same time, and ironically got married for the second time just months apart.
One of my friends is going through a very bad time. As individuals we all differ but I am struggling with her decisions. I have told her repeatedly that only she can make the decisions that will change her life but it's hard to sit back and be quiet when I see her choices. She told me that her husband is her EVERYTHING. Without him she is nothing. I tried to explain to her that she has herself and that noone in life should be your everything. That is too much pressure for your partner. She also believes in soul mates and that this man is her soul mate. If someone does things you know you yourself could never do, how can you think of that person as your soul mate? Instead of holding him accountable she blames the woman that he got involved with. I gently reminded her that that woman didn't even know her but that he was the one who made promises to her. While I worry about the delicate emotional state she is in I struggle with trying to understand it all. I have to remind myself that this is not mine, it's hers and she has to be the one to deal with it. While I can listen it's she who must pick up the pieces and go on without the person she planned to be with for the rest of her life. I'm so happy to know that as much as I love Rob, I would be okay on my own. We come into the world alone, and we leave alone. I don't understand why so many people find it difficult to spend time alone. (By the way that friend doesn't even know about my blog or read it.)
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