Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hectic but Good

Yesterday was a hectic day. My son arrived early and wanted me to go with him to a car dealership. They sent him a postcard that he had won something (turned out to be two lottery tickets neither of which was a winner.) We both needed to go to the bank and we did that too. We got back and he took out his really nice bike and rode it home. Rob and I went to the Princeton area to try out Joe's Crab Shack which I have been wanting to go to for years. I will tell you a little about my background before continuing with the visit to Joe's.  I grew up in Maryland (with a few early years in Norfolk, Virginia) and when I was born my parents had a tiny house on the Chesapeake Bay. It was a small island, Broom's Island and my uncle had a big house there. Uncle Dick was THE character in our family. He adored children and his only child died shortly after birth. He did everything he could to entertain his nieces, nephews and their children. Often we would have watermelon picnics on his huge front lawn. The adults sat in chairs on his porch and it was a time of great fun. Later my grandparents bought property, as did several of my great aunts. We spent several summers there with cousins from York, Pennsylvania and a grand time was had by all. We laid on the beach we walked up a path too and we crabbed from the pier. My grandmother was a great crabber. She loved the soft shells and I can picture her now with her crabbing net and sneakers around the pier. Uncle Dick had a boat we would go out on. He was a great fisherman and used eels for bait on crab lines. Many evenings were spent at my grandmother's eating freshly cooked crabs which had been boiled in Old Bay seasoning. That and Uncle Dick's own watermelons were some of  my favorite memories of that lost time and place.

Joe's is known for their crabs. July is a special month I think of my grandmother. My birthday is the 8th and her's was the 15th. She often told me I was the best birthday present she ever got. How I miss her. On my birthday I was too sick to go out and have a good meal so Rob took me yesterday. I had some Queen crabs that were fixed Chesapeake style and honestly, they tasted like hers. I had a steamer pot which also had shrimp and a lobster, corn on the cob and a few small potatoes. While I liked lobster tails and claws I wasn't prepared to see my crustacean with his eyes still intact. I couldn't eat him. Brought him home to a neighbor who loves lobster. I had  my crab legs which is what I really wanted. Joe's is pricey and not sure I would want to go again. I did realize yesterday how most of my really wonderful childhood memories are of my grandmother. My mother was not a warm person. It was my grandmother who kissed us at every opportunity and told us how much we were loved. I want to cry because I miss her but instead I smile because I had her. How beautiful to leave your family a legacy of love.

I finally got  my new medicine and began it Friday afternoon. I am not having the severe side effects I experienced with the first. Hopefully it will work. Right now I am having some breathing difficulties. I have the oxygen and the portable tank so I am okay, just inconvenienced. It's going to be another beautiful day here and we are defrosting chicken for the grill. It's the little things that truly matter.



Loved hearing about Maryland and the Eastern Shore. Spent every summer in Ocean City. When I grew up, my best friend lived on Tilgman Island. She used to bring a bushel of crabs back to the apt and we'd invite everyone to sample a few. I use OLD BAY seasoning in alot of things I make. Never been to Joe's. Have always wanted to go, though. But, hubby thought they were too expensive. Glad you had a GREAT time. Your grandmother sounds alot like mine. I still can't think about her without my eyes filling with tears. I'm glad you got your meds. Hope the breathing issues resolve themselves. take care, dear friend.

alphawoman said...

Happy belated birthday!! I didn't know JCS was still around. I think they all closed in the Lex and Lou area. I too am glad you had your wonderful affectionate Grandma.