Monday, February 09, 2009

Grumpy Old Men

Update on "Mr. Mean"
At work we are on teams. I spoke to several of the people on his team who told me that they have all let him have it on numerous occassions for his comments to them. I am now wondering if perhaps he is trying to chastise someone else the way he has been chastised by some of his team members. The thing of it is, as one lady put it "he has issues." I have made up my mind the next time he tries to speak with me I am going to tell him that I find him very rude and offensive. While I try hard to be at peace with everyone I will not allow him to speak to me in a rude or offensive manner. Thank you all for your comments!

Yikes today I had a coworker who is in his 60s really get under my skin. I am a pretty happy go lucky person in general. This guy was a diabetic (he kept reminding coworkers constantly) and when I found out I was diabetic I mentioned it to him. The other day he is getting off the elevator with two of the biggest donuts I have ever seen. At lunchtime I saw him eating two huge pieces of the thick crust pizza. I wondered to myself what kind of diabetes he has because it must not be the kind where carbs matter. Today he gets in the elevator with me. I had a turkey sandwich in a wrap for lunch. He had his usual lunch of what would be two meals for me. He tells me I should really lose weight. He goes on to say I am too heavy for my height. Then he says I would be too heavy if I were a giraffe. I just stared in disbelief. This same man has told me that some of the women on his team avoid him like the plague. I am wondering of a tactful way to handle his comments. Of course he has no tact, but I never lower myself to someone else's level. I try to bring them up to mine when at all possible. This same man was selling candles for his church group last Fall and I purchased the most of anyone else there. My one friend said she thinks he actually thinks he is funny. Sadly, I agree with her. I don't want to spend a lot of time on what I want to say but I want to have something prepared for the next time he is so rude. Any ideas?


Unknown said...

I know this type. God forbid that you would suggest that his comments are offensive because I'm sure he would flip it around and accuse YOU of lacking a sense of humor.

Some clueless people can change when they're made aware of their behavior. Something tells me this character is not changing.

"Thanks for sharing" may be the best comeback.

Aint work life fun?

IndigoSunMoon said...

I'm sorry Nelle...I guess I'm not as nice as you are, but I would find it very hard not to tell that man that he is a rude pig.
I guess you could tone it down and just tell him that you find his comments offensive and that you would appreciate it if he would keep his thoughts to himself.
Love you,

alphawoman said...

My friend Ted once told someone who commented on his wreight, "At least I can lose the weight, you can't do a thing about being ugly". Ted did not mince words. And he was a hoot to work with.

alphawoman said...

My friend Ted once told someone who commented on his wreight, "At least I can lose the weight, you can't do a thing about being ugly". Ted did not mince words. And he was a hoot to work with.

Virginia said...

As far as his inappropriate food for being diabetic, you will see that time and time again. Just remind yourself that the only person he is hurting by doing that is himself.