Yesterday afternoon I learned that I did not get the job I applied for. To say I was disappointed was an understatment but I did learn some things that made me feel better. The interviewer told the employment service that she loved me. That in fact, she felt I was probably the best fit for the job. Her boss asked to see the resumes and told her that he had been thinking that they should require a bachelor's degree and therefore that meant taking someone else over me, who she raved about. Out of her hands. To that I say how unfair of a company to decide after they have applicants take time to come in to add a college degree to the requirements. I took time off of work to go for that and feel it was highly unfair. If I didn't like the interviewer (office manager) so much I might well write to the head of the company to complain. I wouldn't want her to get in trouble for sharing that information. I know there will be other interviews, particularly after the great feedback she received and next time I will try not to get my hopes up like I did this time.
Sunday I had a nice treat because my husband shared a bonus he got with me. (Actually he wanted to pay bills with the entire check but I insisted that he use it for something personal and it wasn't that much that it would make a difference.) He gave me $20 and told me to treat myself to a pedicure. I love them and haven't had one in two years. I went to the salon and felt that the man doing it was overly eager. My feet were sore on Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday my heel split open. The opening was very deep and kept bleeding. When my coworkers saw it they insisted I have a doctor see it. I made a quick appointment and the doctor was concerned about an infection and put me on Keflex for a week. I then called the salon and spoke with the owner. I asked her to pay my office visit copay and prescription copay as the doctor said far too much skin had been removed. The owner agreed and I am to go in tomorrow with the receipts to be reimbursed. I have been very sore and I think this may have cured my pedicure addiction. The doctor pointed out that an infection would land me in the hospital for a week or so. NOTHING is worth that!
Today was a magnificent day. I got up early and relished in the fact that I was off work on such a weather perfect day. I went outside and cleaned out the flower beds which I neglected to do in the Fall. I then planted more bulbs. My daffodils are in bloom, and the narcissus. Fragrant and spectacular. I cut a vasefull for my table. There are few things as enjoyable to me as seeing the fruit of your gardening efforts. I straightened up all that I could outside and cleaned and vacumned my car. I then drove to the shoe store that has shoes that fit me (I have flat and wide feet.) I found a pair of "mule" sneakers that I had wanted on a clearance rack and a nice pair of black dress sandals for work. Score! I drove my mother home and she gave me some money to put towards a bill that has been really bothering me. It's not often that she does something like that but something happened in my family this week. I tried to help someone and she was involved and saw it backfire. For once, I felt that my mother was on MY side. She actually cried that someone did something so unkind to me. That was a first! My mother admitted to me today that she knows that if either my father or she needed help I would be the one to help them. So tonight I can rest a bit easier knowing that one of my debts will be eliminated soon.
I feel fortunate. I have a small home but it's filled with peace and love. What I have I can deeply appreciate. My health is steadily improving and the sun was so bright today that I got to wear shades. Welcome Spring!